We are convinced that, in the long term, people are the ultimate competitive advantage for companies, especially in consultants’ offices. That is why we enhance the capabilities of our employees, so that they can develop a successful career in the firm.

Pilar Sánchez Peiró
- Economist
- Business agent
- Master’s Degree in Taxation
- Tax and accounting advisor

Guifré Espina Pahí
- Economist
- Tax and accounting advisor

Jordi Micolau Caballero
- Economist
- Tax and accounting advisor

Isabel Segura Colillas
- Graduate in Labour Relations
- Labour Relations Advisor

Sergi Ribó Roviralta
- Graduate in management business administration
- Business agent
- Tax and accounting advisor

Hugo Moreno Tobias
- International Labour Department
- Diegree in Labour Relations
- Master’s Degree in Management of HR
- Labour Relations Advisor