The partners in SRB Assesors
The partners in Saumoy, Ribó i Baiges Assessors S.A.P. are skilled experts in the main areas of activity of a company and have wide experience. They know their clients personally and also their specific needs, and this enables them to set up the best solution in each case.

Josep Ribó Nirella
Managing Director
- President of Col·legi oficial de gestors administratius de Catalunya
- Economist
- Business agent
- Certified accountant

Ricard Saumoy Linares
Partner in the Accounting and Tax Department
- Economist
- Business agent
- Certified accountant
- Tax and Accounting Advisor

Ferran Baiges Soler
Partner in the Employment Department
- Lawyer
- Graduate in Labour Sciences
- Business agent
- Labour Relations Advisor

Miquel Hernández Pujadas
Partner in the Accounting and Tax Department
- Economist
- Certified accountant
- Tax and accounting advisor

Salvador Vidal Porta
Partner in the Accounting and Tax Department
- Master’s degree in taxation
- Tax and accounting advisor

Igor Ventura Ginabreda
Partner in the Mercantile Law Department
- Lawyer
- Legal advisor
Founding partners

Pere Saumoy Bundó
- Honorary President of the Association of Catalonia Business Agents
- Economist
- Business agent
- Estate agent

Higini Baiges Moral
- Lawyer
- Graduate in Labour Relations
- Degree in Labour Sciences
- Labour Relations Advisor
Internal organization manager

Araceli Badia Garcia-Penche
Internal organization manager
- Labor Relations
- Master in Commercial Marketing and Management